
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

NARM!!!! finally, NARM!

a curious expletive that occasionally precedes one having part of their brain explode. This phenomenon, interestingly, also seems to correlate to one's previously having had sex with Quakers named Maggie.

Maggie: What's wrong?
Nate: Numb arm... numb arm... narm! NARM!


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

my first follower <3 <3

here is a picture of my friend allie

aka 'the pop culture ambassador.' she often brings special new things to my life. examples: six feet under, beyonce's 'single ladies' video, lolcats, stoned britney. she is also partially responsible for bringing ashley to me (although we would have met that summer anyway. [but maybe not]).

Anyways, allie roolz! and now she made me rule a little bit by making me look popular on the internets!

srslyallie, thanks

Monday, December 15, 2008

the one that got away..

this beauty almost became my best friend.
damn you alan. you ruined everything.

to larry:

I hope you are happy and 5 lbs heavier.
